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The SDK Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that enables to act on different parts of the build process as well as generate validations and an ABI. Among other things, the SDK CLI enables you to:

  • Control the different parts of the build process
  • Validate your contract and TypeScript code
  • Create an ABI JSON file


Click on a command for more information and examples.


near-sdk-js buildBuild a NEAR JS Smart-contract
near-sdk-js validateContractValidate a NEAR JS Smart-contract
near-sdk-js checkTypescriptRun TSC with some CLI flags
near-sdk-js createJsFileWithRollupCreate an intermediate JavaScript file for later processing with QJSC
near-sdk-js transpileJsAndBuildWasmTranspiles the target javascript file into .c and .h using QJSC then compiles that into wasm using clang



Make sure you have a current version of npm and NodeJS installed.

Mac and Linux

  1. Install npm and node using a package manager like nvm as sometimes there are issues using Ledger due to how macOS handles node packages related to USB devices.
  2. Ensure you have installed Node version 12 or above.
  3. Install near-cli globally by running:
npm install -g near-cli


For Windows users, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

  1. Install WSL [click here]
  2. Install npm [click here]
  3. Install Node.js [ click here ]
  4. Change npm default directory [ click here ]
    • This is to avoid any permission issues with WSL
  5. Open WSL and install near-cli globally by running:
npm install -g near-cli
heads up

Copy/pasting can be a bit odd using WSL.

  • "Quick Edit Mode" will allow right-click pasting.
  • Depending on your version there may be another checkbox allowing Ctrl + V pasting as well.

Windows option called Quick Edit allow right-click pasting in WSL


near-sdk-js build

Build a NEAR JS Smart-contract, specifying the source, target, package.json, and tsconfig.json files. If none are specified, the default values are used. The argument default values are:

  • source: src/index.js
  • target: build/contract.wasm
  • packageJson: package.json
  • tsConfig: tsconfig.json

Options default values are set to false.

  • arguments (optional): [source] [target] [packageJson] [tsConfig]
  • options: --verbose --generateABI


near-sdk-js build src/main.ts out/main.wasm package.json tsconfig.json --verbose true --generateABI true

near-sdk-js validateContract

Validate a NEAR JS Smart-contract. Validates the contract by checking that all parameters are initialized in the constructor. Works only for TypeScript.

  • arguments: [source]
  • options: --verbose


near-sdk-js validateContract src/main.ts --verbose true

Example Response:

npx near-sdk-js validateContract src/index.ts
[validate] › … awaiting Validating src/index.ts contract...

near-sdk-js checkTypescript

Run TSC with some CLI flags.

warning This command ignores tsconfig.json.
  • arguments: [source]
  • options: --verbose


near-sdk-js checkTypescript src/main.ts --verbose true

Example Response:

npx near-sdk-js checkTypescript src/index.ts
[checkTypescript] › … awaiting Typechecking src/index.ts with tsc...

near-sdk-js createJsFileWithRollup

Create an intermediate JavaScript file for later processing with QJSC.

  • arguments: [source] [target]
  • options: --verbose


near-sdk-js createJsFileWithRollup src/main.ts out/main.js --verbose true

Example Response:

npx near-sdk-js createJsFileWithRollup src/index.ts
[createJsFileWithRollup] › … awaiting Creating src/index.ts file with Rollup...

near-sdk-js transpileJsAndBuildWasm

Create an intermediate JavaScript file for later processing with QJSC.

  • arguments: [source] [target]
  • options: --verbose


near-sdk-js transpileJsAndBuildWasm src/main.js out/main.wasm --verbose true

Example Response:

npx near-sdk-js transpileJsAndBuildWasm
[transpileJsAndBuildWasm] › ✔ success Generated build/contract.wasm contract successfully!
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