Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
In contrast with fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFT) are unitary and therefore unique. This makes NFTs ideal to represent ownership of assets such as a piece of digital content, or a ticket for an event.
As with fungible tokens, NFTs are not stored in the user's wallet, instead, each NFT lives in a NFT contract. The NFT contract works as a bookkeeper, this is: it is in charge of handling the creation, storage and transfers of NFTs.
In order for a contract to be considered a NFT-contract it has to follow the NEP-171 and NEP-177 standards. The NEP-171 & NEP-177 standards explain the minimum interface required to be implemented, as well as the expected functionality.
Be mindful of not confusing an NFT with an NFT-marketplace. NFT simply store information (metadata), while NFT-marketplaces are contracts where NFT can be listed and exchanged for a price.
Community Projects
The easiest way to create and handle NFTs is by using one of the existing community projects.
- Paras - a classic NFT marketplace. Just login with your NEAR account, create a collection and share the link with your community.
- Mintbase - a marketplace that allows to create NFT collections, and buy NFTs using credit cards or stablecoins.
- Enleap - a no-code launchpad for NFTs. Provides NFT minting, staking, whitelist managing, tracking functionality.
Deploying a NFT Contract
If you want to deploy your own NFT contract, you can create one using our reference implementation
Simply personalize it and deploy it to your account.
near deploy <account-id> --wasmFile contract.wasm --initFunction new
Check the Contract Wizard to create a personalized NFT contract!.
Minting a NFT
To create a new NFT (a.k.a. minting it) you will call the nft_mint
method passing as arguments the metadata that defines the NFT.
- 🌐 WebApp
- 🖥️ CLI
- 📄 Contract
- Reference
- Paras
- Mintbase
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "nft.primitives.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_mint',
args: {
token_id: "1",
receiver_id: "bob.near",
token_metadata: {
title: "NFT Primitive Token",
description: "Awesome NFT Primitive Token",
media: "string", // URL to associated media, preferably to decentralized, content-addressed storage
deposit: 10000000000000000000000
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "x.paras.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_mint',
args: {
token_series_id: "490641",
receiver_id: "bob.near",
deposit: 10000000000000000000000 // Depends on your NFT metadata
In order to use nft_mint
method of the x.paras.near
contract you have to be a creator of a particular token series.
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "thomasettorreiv.mintbase1.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_batch_mint',
args: {
num_to_mint: 1,
owner_id: "bob.near",
metadata: {},
deposit: 10000000000000000000000 // Depends on your NFT metadata
In order to use nft_batch_mint
method of Mintbase store contract your account have to be a in the contract minters list.
Check how to do this using Mintbase JS
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
- Reference
- Paras
- Mintbase
near call nft.primitives.near nft_mint '{"token_id": "1", "receiver_id": "bob.near", "token_metadata": {"title": "NFT Primitive Token", "description": "Awesome NFT Primitive Token", "media": "string"}}' --depositYocto 10000000000000000000000, --accountId bob.near
near call x.paras.near nft_mint '{"token_series_id": "490641", "receiver_id": "bob.near"}' --depositYocto 10000000000000000000000 --accountId bob.near
In order to use nft_mint
method of the x.paras.near
contract you have to be a creator of a particular token series.
near call thomasettorreiv.mintbase1.near nft_batch_mint '{"num_to_mint": 1, "owner_id": "bob.near", "metadata": {}}' --accountId bob.near --depositYocto 10000000000000000000000
In order to use nft_batch_mint
method of Mintbase store contract your account have to be a in the contract minters list.
// Validator interface, for cross-contract calls
trait ExternalNftContract {
fn nft_mint(&self, token_series_id: String, receiver_id: AccountId) -> Promise;
// Implement the contract structure
impl Contract {
pub fn nft_mint(&mut self, token_series_id: String, receiver_id: AccountId) -> Promise {
let promise = ext_nft_contract::ext(self.nft_contract.clone())
.nft_mint(token_series_id, receiver_id);
return promise.then( // Create a promise to callback query_greeting_callback
#[private] // Public - but only callable by env::current_account_id()
pub fn nft_mint_callback(&self, #[callback_result] call_result: Result<TokenId, PromiseError>) -> Option<TokenId> {
// Check if the promise succeeded
if call_result.is_err() {
log!("There was an error contacting NFT contract");
return None;
// Return the token data
let token_id: TokenId = call_result.unwrap();
return Some(token_id);
See the metadata standard for the full list of TokenMetadata
Values of gas and deposit might vary depending on which NFT contract you are calling.
Minting Collections
Many times people want to create multiple 100 copies of an NFT (this is called a collection). In such cases, what you actually need to do is to mint 100 different NFTs with the same metadata (but different token-id
Notice that minting in Mintbase allows you to pass a num_to_mint
You might have noticed that one of the parameters is a structure called royalties. Royalties enable you to create a list of users that should get paid when the token is sell in a marketplace. For example, if anna
has 5%
of royalties, each time the NFT is sell, anna
should get a 5% of the selling price.
Querying NFT data
You can query the NFT's information and metadata by calling the nft_token
- 🌐 WebApp
- 🖥️ CLI
- 📄 Contract
- Reference
- Paras
- Mintbase
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "nft.primitives.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
const response = await wallet.viewMethod({
method: 'nft_token',
args: {
token_id: "1"
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Example response
"token_id": "1",
"owner_id": "bob.near",
"metadata": {
"title": "string", // ex. "Arch Nemesis: Mail Carrier" or "Parcel #5055"
"description": "string", // free-form description
"media": "string", // URL to associated media, preferably to decentralized, content-addressed storage
"media_hash": "string", // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of content referenced by the `media` field. Required if `media` is included.
"copies": 1, // number of copies of this set of metadata in existence when token was minted.
"issued_at": 1642053411068358156, // When token was issued or minted, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"expires_at": 1642053411168358156, // When token expires, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"starts_at": 1642053411068358156, // When token starts being valid, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"updated_at": 1642053411068358156, // When token was last updated, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"extra": "string", // anything extra the NFT wants to store on-chain. Can be stringified JSON.
"reference": "string", // URL to an off-chain JSON file with more info.
"reference_hash": "string" // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of JSON from reference field. Required if `reference` is included.
const tokenData = fetch("");
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Example response
"status": 1,
"data": {
"results": [
"_id": "61dfbf27284abc1cc0b87c9d",
"contract_id": "x.paras.near",
"token_id": "84686:1154",
"owner_id": "bob.near",
"token_series_id": "84686",
"edition_id": "1154",
"metadata": {
"title": "Tokenfox Silver Coin #1154",
"description": "Holding this silver coin in your wallet will bring you health and happiness \uD83D\uDE0A",
"media": "bafkreihpapfu7rzsmejjgl2twllge6pbrfmqaahj2wkz6nq55c6trhhtrq",
"media_hash": null,
"copies": 4063,
"issued_at": null,
"expires_at": null,
"starts_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"extra": null,
"reference": "bafkreib6uj5kxbadfvf6qes5flema7jx6u5dj5zyqcneaoyqqzlm6kpu5a",
"reference_hash": null,
"collection": "Tokenfox Collection Cards",
"collection_id": "tokenfox-collection-cards-by-tokenfoxnear",
"creator_id": "tokenfox.near",
"blurhash": "U7F~gc00_3D%00~q4n%M_39F-;RjM{xuWBRj",
"score": 0,
"mime_type": "image/png"
"royalty": {
"tokenfox.near": 1000
"price": null,
"approval_id": null,
"ft_token_id": null,
"has_price": null,
"is_creator": true,
"total_likes": 8,
"likes": null,
"categories": [],
"view": 4
"count": 1,
"skip": 0,
"limit": 10
See the Paras API documentation for the full list of methods.
Paras API methods returns data from all NFT contracts in NEAR. You might want to pass more parameters like contract_id
or owner_id
to make the response more accurate.
const tokenData = fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"mb-api-key": "anon",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-hasura-role": "anonymous",
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
query getToken{
tokens: nft_tokens(
where: {
token_id: { _eq: "84686:1154" }
) {
tokenId: token_id
ownerId: owner
contractId: nft_contract_id
issuedAt: issued_at
metadataId: metadata_id
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Example response
"ok": true,
"status": 200,
"contentType": "application/json",
"body": {
"data": {
"tokens": [
"tokenId": "84686:1154",
"ownerId": "bob.near",
"contractId": "x.paras.near",
"reference": "bafkreib6uj5kxbadfvf6qes5flema7jx6u5dj5zyqcneaoyqqzlm6kpu5a",
"issuedAt": "2022-01-13T05:56:51.068358",
"copies": 4063,
"metadataId": "x.paras.near:5210047642790498956c9669d6a37b98"
In the future, users may be required to register using an api key. For now, simply passing the valueanon for mb-api-key
will work.
Check how to do this also using the Mintbase JS
- Reference
- Paras
- Mintbase
near view nft.primitives.near nft_token '{"token_id": "1"}'
Example response
"token_id": "1",
"owner_id": "bob.near",
"metadata": {
"title": "string", // ex. "Arch Nemesis: Mail Carrier" or "Parcel #5055"
"description": "string", // free-form description
"media": "string", // URL to associated media, preferably to decentralized, content-addressed storage
"media_hash": "string", // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of content referenced by the `media` field. Required if `media` is included.
"copies": 1, // number of copies of this set of metadata in existence when token was minted.
"issued_at": 1642053411068358156, // When token was issued or minted, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"expires_at": 1642053411168358156, // When token expires, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"starts_at": 1642053411068358156, // When token starts being valid, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"updated_at": 1642053411068358156, // When token was last updated, Unix epoch in milliseconds
"extra": "string", // anything extra the NFT wants to store on-chain. Can be stringified JSON.
"reference": "string", // URL to an off-chain JSON file with more info.
"reference_hash": "string" // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of JSON from reference field. Required if `reference` is included.
near view x.paras.near nft_token '{"token_id": "84686:1154"}'
Example response
"token_id": "84686:1154",
"owner_id": "bob.near",
"metadata": {
"title": "Tokenfox Silver Coin #1154",
"description": null,
"media": "bafkreihpapfu7rzsmejjgl2twllge6pbrfmqaahj2wkz6nq55c6trhhtrq",
"media_hash": null,
"copies": 4063,
"issued_at": "1642053411068358156",
"expires_at": null,
"starts_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"extra": null,
"reference": "bafkreib6uj5kxbadfvf6qes5flema7jx6u5dj5zyqcneaoyqqzlm6kpu5a",
"reference_hash": null
"approved_account_ids": {}
near view anthropocene.mintbase1.near nft_token '{"token_id": "17960"}'
Example response
"token_id": "17960",
"owner_id": "876f40299dd919f39252863e2136c4e1922cd5f78759215474cbc8f1fc361e14",
"approved_account_ids": {},
"metadata": {
"title": null,
"description": null,
"media": null,
"media_hash": null,
"copies": 1,
"issued_at": null,
"expires_at": null,
"starts_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"extra": null,
"reference": "F-30s_uQ3ZdAHZClY4DYatDPapaIRNLju41RxfMXC24",
"reference_hash": null
"royalty": {
"split_between": {
"seventhage.near": {
"numerator": 10000
"percentage": {
"numerator": 100
"split_owners": null,
"minter": "anthropocene.seventhage.near",
"loan": null,
"composeable_stats": { "local_depth": 0, "cross_contract_children": 0 },
"origin_key": null
When someone creates a NFT on Mintbase they need to deploy their own NFT contract using Mintbase factory. Those smart contract are subaccounts of mintbase1.near, e.g. anthropocene.mintbase1.near
// Validator interface, for cross-contract calls
trait ExternalNftContract {
fn nft_token(&self, token_id: TokenId) -> Promise;
// Implement the contract structure
impl Contract {
pub fn nft_token(&self, token_id: TokenId) -> Promise {
let promise = ext_nft_contract::ext(self.nft_contract.clone())
return promise.then( // Create a promise to callback query_greeting_callback
#[private] // Public - but only callable by env::current_account_id()
pub fn nft_token_callback(&self, #[callback_result] call_result: Result<Token, PromiseError>) -> Option<Token> {
// Check if the promise succeeded
if call_result.is_err() {
log!("There was an error contacting NFT contract");
return None;
// Return the token data
let token_data: Token = call_result.unwrap();
return Some(token_data);
Transferring a NFT
Transferring an NFT can happen in two scenarios: (1) you ask to transfer an NFT, and (2) an authorized account asks to transfer the NFT.
In both cases, it is necessary to invoke the nft_transfer
method, indicating the token id, the receiver, and an (optionally) an approval_id.
- 🌐 WebApp
- 🖥️ CLI
- 📄 Contract
- Reference
- Paras
- Mintbase
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "nft.primitives.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_transfer',
args: {
token_id: "1",
receiver_id: "bob.near"
deposit: 1
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "x.paras.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_transfer',
args: {
token_id: "490641",
receiver_id: "bob.near"
deposit: 1
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "thomasettorreiv.mintbase1.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_transfer',
args: {
token_id: "490641",
receiver_id: "bob.near"
deposit: 1
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Check how to also do this using Mintbase JS
- Reference
- Paras
- Mintbase
near call nft.primitives.near nft_transfer '{"token_id": "1", "receiver_id": "bob.near"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.000000000000000000000001
near call x.paras.near nft_transfer '{"token_id": "490641", "receiver_id": "bob.near"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.000000000000000000000001
near call thomasettorreiv.mintbase1.near nft_transfer '{"token_id": "490641" "receiver_id": "bob.near"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.000000000000000000000001
Please notice that a contract can only transfer an NFT that they own, or an NFT that they were approved to transfer.
const YOCTO_NEAR: u128 = 1;
trait ExternalNftContract {
fn nft_transfer(&self, receiver_id: AccountId, token_id: TokenId) -> Promise;
impl Contract {
pub fn nft_transfer(&mut self, receiver_id: AccountId, token_id: TokenId) -> Promise {
let promise = ext_nft_contract::ext(self.nft_contract.clone())
.nft_transfer(receiver_id, token_id);
return promise.then( // Create a promise to callback query_greeting_callback
#[private] // Public - but only callable by env::current_account_id()
pub fn nft_transfer_callback(&self, #[callback_result] call_result: Result<(), PromiseError>) {
// Check if the promise succeeded
if call_result.is_err() {
log!("There was an error contacting NFT contract");
Attaching NFTs to a Call
Natively, only NEAR tokens (Ⓝ) can be attached to a function calls. However, the NFT standard enables to attach a non-fungible tokens in a call by using the NFT-contract as intermediary. This means that, instead of you attaching tokens directly to the call, you ask the NFT-contract to do both a transfer and a function call in your name.
- 🖥️ CLI
near call <nft-contract> nft_transfer_call '{"receiver_id": "<receiver-contract>", "token_id": "<token_id>", "msg": "<a-string-message>"}' --accountId <your-account> --depositYocto 1
Optionally, a memo
parameter can be passed to provide more information to your contract.
How Does it Work?
Assume you want to attach an NFT (🎫) to a call on the receiver contract. The workflow is as follows:
- You call
in the NFT-contract passing: the receiver, a message, and the token-id of 🎫. - The NFT contract transfers the NFT 🎫 to the receiver.
- The NFT contract calls
receiver.nft_on_transfer(sender, token-owner, token-id, msg)
. - The NFT contract handles errors in the
callback. - The NFT contract returns
if it succeeded.
The nft_on_transfer method
From the workflow above it follows that the receiver we want to call needs to implement the nft_on_transfer
method. When executed, such method will know:
- Who is sending the NFT, since it is a parameter
- Who is the current owner, since it is a parameter
- Which NFT was transferred, since it is a parameter.
- If there are any parameters encoded as a message
The nft_on_transfer
must return true if the NFT has to be returned to the sender.
Approving Users
You can authorize other users to transfer an NFT you own. This is useful, for example, to enable listing your NFT in a marketplace. In such scenario, you trust that the marketplace will only transfer the NFT upon receiving a certain amount of money in exchange.
- 🖥️ CLI
near call <nft-contract> nft_approve '{
"token_id": "<token-unique-id>",
"account_id": "<authorized-account>",
"msg": "<json-structure>"
}' --accountId <your-account> --depositYocto 1
If the msg
parameter is included, then a cross-contract call will be made to <authorized_account>.nft_on_approve(msg)
. Which in turn will make a callback to nft_resolve_transfer
in your NFT contract.
List a NFT for sale
Basic NFT contracts following the NEP-171 and NEP-177 standards do not implement marketplace functionality.
For this purpose, there are ecosystem apps such as Paras or Mintbase, that use dedicated marketplace contracts.
In order to put a NFT for a sale on a marketplace you need to do two actions:
- Cover data storage costs in the marketplace contract.
- Approve the marketplace to sell the NFT in your NFT contract.
- 🌐 WebApp
- 🖥️ CLI
- Paras
- Mintbase
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "marketplace.paras.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'storage_deposit',
args: {
receiver_id: "bob.near"
gas: 300000000000000, // attached GAS (optional)
deposit: 9390000000000000000 // attached deposit in yoctoNEAR (optional)
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_approve',
args: {
token_id: "1e95238d266e5497d735eb30",
account_id: "marketplace.paras.near",
msg: {
price: "200000000000000000000000",
market_type: "sale",
ft_token_id: "near"
contractId: "nft.primitives.near"
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Method nft_approve
of a NFT contract also calls the nft_on_approve
method in marketplace.paras.near
as a callback.
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'deposit_storage',
args: {
autotransfer: true
gas: 300000000000000, // attached GAS (optional)
deposit: 9390000000000000000 // attached deposit in yoctoNEAR (optional)
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_approve',
args: {
args: {
token_id: "3c46b76cbd48e65f2fc88473",
account_id: "",
msg: {
price: "200000000000000000000000"
contractId: "nft.primitives.near"
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Method nft_approve
of a NFT contract also calls the nft_on_approve
method in
as a callback.
Check how to also do this using the Mintbase JS
- Paras
- Mintbase
near call marketplace.paras.near storage_deposit '{"receiver_id": "bob.near"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.00939
near call nft.primitives.near nft_approve '{"token_id": "1e95238d266e5497d735eb30", "account_id": "marketplace.paras.near", "msg": {"price": "200000000000000000000000", "market_type": "sale", "ft_token_id": "near"}}' --accountId bob.near
Method nft_approve
of a NFT contract also calls the nft_on_approve
method in marketplace.paras.near
as a callback.
near call deposit_storage '{"autotransfer": "true"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.00939
near call nft.primitives.near nft_approve '{"token_id": "3c46b76cbd48e65f2fc88473", "account_id": "", "msg": {"price": "200000000000000000000000"}}' --accountId bob.near
Method nft_approve
of a NFT contract also calls the nft_on_approve
method in
as a callback.
Buy a NFT
Basic NFT contracts following the NEP-171 and NEP-177 standards do not implement marketplace functionality.
For this purpose, there are ecosystem apps such as Paras or Mintbase, that use dedicated marketplace contracts.
- 🌐 WebApp
- 🖥️ CLI
- 📄 Contract
- Paras
- Mintbase
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "x.paras.near";
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'nft_buy',
args: {
token_series_id: "299102",
receiver_id: "bob.near",
deposit: 205740000000000000000000 // attached deposit in yoctoNEAR, covers NFT price + storage cost
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Example response
import { Wallet } from './near-wallet';
const wallet = new Wallet({ createAccessKeyFor: CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
await wallet.callMethod({
method: 'buy',
args: {
nft_contract_id: "rubennnnnnnn.mintbase1.near",
token_id: "38"
deposit: 1000000000000000000000 // attached deposit in yoctoNEAR, covers NFT price + storage cost (optional)
The Wallet
object comes from our quickstart template
Example response
"payout": {
"rub3n.near": "889200000000000000000",
"rubenm4rcus.near": "85800000000000000000"
Check how to do this using the Mintbase JS
- Paras
- Mintbase
near call x.paras.near buy '{"token_series_id": "299102", "receiver_id": "bob.near"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.20574
Example response:
near call buy '{"nft_contract_id": "rubennnnnnnn.mintbase1.near", "token_id": "38"}' --accountId bob.near --deposit 0.001
Example response:
"payout": {
"rub3n.near": "889200000000000000000",
"rubenm4rcus.near": "85800000000000000000"
This is an example on how you can make your smart contract buy a NFT on some marketplace (Paras this case).
Please note that in this example the contract will be the owner of the NFT, however, some marketplaces allow you to buy NFT for somebody else.
const NFT_MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT: &str = "paras-marketplace-v2.testnet";
// Define the contract structure
pub struct Contract {
nft_marketplace_contract: AccountId
impl Default for Contract {
// The default trait with which to initialize the contract
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
nft_marketplace_contract: NFT_MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT.parse().unwrap()
// Validator interface, for cross-contract calls
trait ExternalNftContract {
fn buy(&self, nft_contract_id: AccountId, token_id: TokenId, ft_token_id: Option<AccountId>, price: Option<U128>) -> Promise;
// Implement the contract structure
impl Contract {
pub fn buy(&mut self, nft_contract_id: AccountId, token_id: TokenId, ft_token_id: Option<AccountId>, price: Option<U128>) -> Promise {
let promise = ext_nft_contract::ext(self.nft_marketplace_contract.clone())
.buy(nft_contract_id, token_id, ft_token_id, price);
return promise.then( // Create a promise to callback query_greeting_callback
#[private] // Public - but only callable by env::current_account_id()
pub fn buy_callback(&self, #[callback_result] call_result: Result<(), PromiseError>) {
// Check if the promise succeeded
if call_result.is_err() {
log!("There was an error contacting NFT contract");
- NFT Tutorial Zero to Hero (JavaScript SDK) - a set of tutorials that cover how to create a NFT contract using JavaScript.
- NFT Tutorial Zero to Hero (Rust SDK) - a set of tutorials that cover how to create a NFT contract using Rust.
Additional Resources
- NFT Tutorial by Keypom (a fork of the NEAR example tutorial).
- Paras API documentation.
- Mintbase API documentation.
- Mintbase JS SDK - a set of methods to get data from blockchain, interact with Mintbase contracts, etc.