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Integrating Contracts

To integrate NEAR to your frontend, you will leverage two tools:

  1. Wallet Selector: Enables the user to select their preferred NEAR wallet in your dApp.
  2. NEAR API JS: A suite of tools to interact with the NEAR RPC.

Using those tools, you will implement the following flow:

  1. Setup a wallet selector.
  2. Load the wallet selector on start-up.
  3. Ask the user to sign-in using a NEAR wallet.
  4. Call methods in the contract.

The project known as NEAR Blockchain Operating System (NEAR BOS) has been deprecated, but you can find its documentation on this link

Alternatives to near-api-js

You can optionally use Naxios. A promise-based NEAR Contract and NEAR Wallet Client for browser.

Naxios was designed to facilitate the React / Next.js integration with NEAR Blockchain and avoid the boilerplate of setting up a wallet and contract.

Decentralized Frontend Solutions

This option is ideal if you need full decentralization of your entire stack. However, consider possible technical constraints, such as the absence of server-side rendering or meta frameworks like Next.js.

Although the ecosystem for developing decentralized frontends is still maturing, here are some notable projects for you to evaluate and consider:

IPFSA peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open.
FleekHosts websites on IPFS with a user-friendly interface and continuous deployment from popular repositories.
ArweaveArweave lets you build quickly and simply with permanent storage. You can store anything from files to fully decentralized web applications.
Web4Web4 is a new way to distribute decentralized apps on NEAR Protocol. Deploy single WASM smart contract to deploy an entire web application.
B.O.S. ComponentsAn experimental platform that allows users to build and deploy multi-chain decentralized UI experiences.

Adding NEAR API JS and Wallet Selector

As a popular framework our examples are based on Next.js so, we will go through the steps to integrate NEAR to a default Next.js project and interact with the hello-near example contract.

Apart of near-api-js and the wallet-selector core package we will also add the optional modal-ui and the provided react-hook (more info on wallet-selector repo) as well as few of the popular wallet providers.

If you prefer to explore the complete code example, you can check the hello-near-example repository.

npm install \
near-api-js \
@near-wallet-selector/core \
@near-wallet-selector/modal-ui \
@near-wallet-selector/react-hook \
@near-wallet-selector/bitte-wallet \
@near-wallet-selector/ledger \
@near-wallet-selector/meteor-wallet \

The wallet selector supports multiple wallet packages to select from, see the full list on the Repo. We cover how to support Ethereum wallets in the next section: Ethereum Wallets on Near

Initialize Wallet Selector

import { setupBitteWallet } from "@near-wallet-selector/bitte-wallet";
import { setupLedger } from "@near-wallet-selector/ledger";
import { setupMeteorWallet } from "@near-wallet-selector/meteor-wallet";
import { setupNightly } from "@near-wallet-selector/nightly";
import { WalletSelectorProvider } from "@near-wallet-selector/react-hook";

const walletSelectorConfig = {
network: "testnet", // "mainnet"
// Optional: createAccessKeyFor: "hello.near-examples.testnet",
modules: [

export default function App({ Component }) {
return (
<WalletSelectorProvider config={walletSelectorConfig}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
Setting custom RPC endpoints

If you want to use a user-defined RPC endpoint with the Wallet Selector, you can set up a network options object with the custom URLs. For example:

const my_network = {
networkId: "my-custom-network",
nodeUrl: "",
helperUrl: "",
explorerUrl: "",
indexerUrl: "",

You can find the entire Wallet Selector API reference here.

Optional: createAccessKeyFor

When initializing the wallet-selector, you can choose to create a Function-Call Key using the createAccessKeyFor parameter.

By creating this key, your dApp will be able to automatically sign non-payable transactions on behalf of the user for specified contract.

Calling View Methods

Once the wallet-selector is up, we can start calling view methods, i.e., the methods that perform read-only operations.

Because of their read-only nature, view methods are free to call, and do not require the user to be logged in.

The snippet above shows how we call view methods in our examples. Under the hood: we are actually making a direct call to the RPC using near-api-js.


View methods have by default 200 TGAS for execution

User Sign-In / Sign-Out

In order to interact with non-view methods it is necessary for the user to first sign in using a NEAR wallet.

We can request the user sign in if signedAccountId is not present, the same simplicity applies to signing out.

When the user clicks the login button, they will be asked to select a wallet and use it to log in.

Function Call Key

If you instantiated the wallet-selector passing an account id for the createAccessKeyFor parameter, then the wallet will create a Function-Call Key and store it in the web's local storage.

const walletSelectorConfig = {
network: "testnet", // "mainnet"
createAccessKeyFor: "hello.near-examples.testnet",
modules: [

By default, such key enables to expend a maximum of 0.25Ⓝ on GAS calling methods in the specified contract without prompting the user to sign them.

If, on the contrary, you do not create an access key, then the user will be asked to sign every single transaction (except calls to view methods, since those are always free).


Please notice that this only applies to non-payable methods, if you attach deposit to any call the user will always be redirected to the wallet to confirm the transaction.

Calling Change Methods

Once the user logs in they can start calling change methods. Programmatically, calling change methods is similar to calling view methods, only that now you can attach deposit to the call, and specify how much GAS you want to use.

Under the hood, we are asking the signedAccountId to sign a Function-Call transaction for us.


Remember that you can use the callFunction to call methods in any contract. If you did not ask for a function call key to be created, the user will simply be prompted to confirm the transaction.

Sending Multiple Transactions

The wallet-selector hook also exposes a method that can be used to send multiple transactions.

const { signAndSendTransactions } = useWalletSelector();

const txs = await signAndSendTransactions({
transactions: [{
receiverId: "hello.near-examples.testnet",
actions: [{
type: "FunctionCall",
params: {
methodName: "set_greeting",
args: {
greeting: "Hello World"
deposit: NO_DEPOSIT

Transactions can either be sent as multiple separate transactions simultaneously or as a batch transaction made up of actions where if one of the actions fails, they are all reverted. An example of both can be seen here

Signing Messages

const { signMessage } = useWalletSelector();

const sign = await signMessage({ message, recipient, nonce });

Querying Account Balance

By calling the getBalance method the user can get the balance of a given account.

const { getBalance } = useWalletSelector();

const balance = await getBalance("account.testnet");

Get Access Keys

The final method the the wallet selector hooks exposes is getAccessKeys which is used to return an object of all the access keys on the account that is currently logged in.

const { getAccessKeys } = useWalletSelector();

const keys = await getAccessKeys("account.testnet");

Handling Data Types

When calling methods in a contract or receiving results from them, you will need to encode/decode parameters correctly. For this, it is important to know how the contracts encode timestamps (u64) and deposit amounts (u128).


The block timestamp in a smart contract is encoded using nanoseconds (i.e. 19 digits: 1655373910837593990). In contrast, from javascript returns a timestamp in milliseconds (i.e 13 digits: 1655373910837). Make sure to convert between milliseconds and nanoseconds to properly handle time variables.


Smart contracts speak in yocto NEAR, where 1Ⓝ = 10^24yocto, and the values are always encoded as strings.

  • Convert from NEAR to yocto before sending it to the contract using near-api-js.utils.format.parseNearAmount(amount.toString()).
  • Convert a response in yoctoNEAR to NEAR using near-api-js.utils.format.formatNearAmount(amount)

If the contract returns a Balance instead of a U128, you will get a "scientific notation" number instead of a string (e.g. 10^6 instead of "1000000"). In this case, you can convert the value to NEAR by doing:

function formatAmount(amount) {
let formatted = amount.toLocaleString("fullwide", { useGrouping: false })
formatted = utils.format.formatNearAmount(formatted)

return Math.floor(formatted * 100) / 100

Leveraging NEAR API JS

NEAR API JS does not limit itself to simply calling methods in a contract. In fact, you can use it to transform your web-app into a rich user experience. While we will not cover these topics in depth, it is important for you to know that with NEAR API JS you can also:

Check the NEAR API section to learn how to supercharge your web-app.

Versioning for this article

At the time of this writing, this example works with the following versions:

  • next: 15.0.3
  • near-api-js: ^5.0.1
  • wllet-selector/core: ^8.10.0
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