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Clear Contract State

This simple command-line tool allows you to clean up the state of a NEAR account without deleting it.

How it works​

This JavaScript CLI tool deploys a state-cleanup.wasm contract replacing the current one, and then uses the new contract to clean up the account's state, so you can easily redeploy a new contract or use the account in any other way.

Here's a quick snippet of the contract's main code:

Want to check the smart contract?

Check the GitHub repository and learn more about the State Cleanup tool.

How to use​


You'll need NEAR CLI. You can install it by running:

npm install -g near-cli-rs@latest

Clear your Account State​

To clear your Account state, follow these steps.

1. Login with NEAR CLI​

This will store a full access key locally on your machine. Select the account you wish to clear the state.

near login
Legacy keychain

Be sure to select Store the access key in my legacy keychain (compatible with the old near CLI) to store the access key on the legacy keychain.

2. Clone the near-clear-state Repository​

git clone

3. Install dependencies​

cd near-clear-state && npm i

4. Clear your State​

npx near-clear-state clear-state --account <account-name.testnet>

If you want to clean the state of a mainnet account, use the --network option:

npx near-clear-state clear-state --account <account-name.near> --network mainnet

(Optional) Check your results​

You can view the all the state keys have been erased in your account with:

near view-state <account-name.testnet>


If your contract state is large, depending on the RPC node, you may get the error:

State of contract example.near is too large to be viewed.

This is an RPC issue, as the RPC node has a limited contract state view.

You can prevent the error State of contract example.near is too large to be viewed when calling view-state via the JSON RPC API if you select an alternative RPC provider. You can find different providers in this RPC list.

For example, you could replace the default RPC node in commands/clearState.js with another RPC server:

config = {
networkId: netId,
nodeUrl: ""+ netId +"/public",
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