Exchange Integration
Integration Referenceโ
Transaction Reference Linksโ
Blocks and Finalityโ
Some important pieces of information regarding blocks and finality include:
- Expected block time is around 1s and expected time to finality is around 2s. The last final block can be queried by
{"finality": "final"}
in the block query. For example, to get the latest final block on mainnet, one can run
http post method=block params:='{"finality":"final"}' id=123 jsonrpc=2.0
Block height are not necessarily continuous and certain heights may be skipped if, for example, a block producer for that height is offline. For example, after a block at height 100 is produced, the block at height 101 may be skipped. When block at height 102 is produced, its previous block is the block at height 100.
Some blocks may not include new chunks if, for example, the previous chunk producer is offline. Even though in the RPC return result every block will have non-empty
field, it does not imply that there is a new chunk included in the block. The way to tell whether the chunk is included in the block is to check whetherheight_included
in the chunk is the same as the height of the block.
Running an Archival Nodeโ
Please refer to configuration changes required in config.json
for archival node by referring to the documentation on Run an Archival Node.