Blogchain makes your content unstoppable. Transform your blogs into smart contracts and posts into NFTs.
This is part of the Mintbase Templates, a collection of templates that you can use to scaffold your own project
Project Walkthroughโ
Within the framework of blogchain, every blog manifests as an nft contract deployed from the Mintbase contract factory, while each individual blog post is uniquely represented as a non-fungible token (NFT).
NOTE: As a standard on Mintbase as we use the latest versions of Next.js we recommend using pnpm, but the package manager is up to your personal choice.
Run the projectโ
# install
pnpm i
#run project
pnpm run dev
Create a Blog (deploy contract)โ
Step 1: check if the contract (blog) name already existsโ
Using @mintbase-js/data checkStoreName method we can check if the store already exists.
const { data: checkStore } = await checkStoreName(,
if (checkStore?.nft_contracts.length === 0) {
Step 2: if contract name doesn't exist execute the deploy contract action with the instantiated walletโ
Create deploy contract args using mintbase-js/sdk deployContract method. This will deploy an NFT contract from the mintbase contract factory
const wallet = await selector.wallet();
const deployArgs = deployContract({
ownerId: activeAccountId,
factoryContractId: MINTBASE_CONTRACTS.testnet,
metadata: {
symbol: "",
We can then execute the deploy contract by passing in the wallet. If you wan't to learn about wallet connection check out the wallet starter template
await execute({ wallet }, deployArgs);
Create a Blog Post (mint an NFT)โ
Step 1: call storage method to upload file inserted by the user to arweaveโ
Using @mintbase-js/storage uploadReference method we upload the nft image to arweave.
const metadata = {
title: data.title,
const referenceJson = await uploadReference(metadata);
const reference =;
Step 2: mint the nft in the contract (blog)โ
Create mint args using mintbase-js/sdk mint method.
const wallet = await selector.wallet();
const mintCall = mint({
noMedia: true,
metadata: {
reference: reference,
title: data.title,
description: postContent,
extra: "blogpost",
contractAddress: data.contract,
ownerId: activeAccountId,
We can then execute the mint nft method
await execute({ wallet }, mintCall);
We populate the 'extra' field with the value 'blogpost' to subsequently filter the displayed NFTs and blogs in blogchain, ensuring that only blogs are included.
Get Dataโ
Get blog posts (nfts) from a blog (smart contract)โ
Using Mintbase GraphQL Indexer we can fetch the nfts from a specific smart contract - to filter by blog post we use 'blogpost' as an extra field as explained in the previous step.
export const GET_BLOG_POSTS =
query GET_BLOG_POSTS($contractId: String!) {
where: {extra: {_eq: "blogpost"}, _and: {nft_contract_id: {_eq: $contractId}}}
) {