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In order to use the RPC API you will need to setup the correct RPC endpoints.

RPC Endpoint Setupโ€‹

  • POST for all methods
  • JSON RPC 2.0
  • id: "dontcare"
  • endpoint URL varies by network:
    • mainnet
    • testnet
    • betanet (may be unstable)
    • localnet http://localhost:3030


  • Maximum number of requests per IP: 600 req/min

Querying Historical Dataโ€‹

Querying historical data (older than 5 epochs or ~2.5 days), you may get responses that the data is not available anymore. In that case, archival RPC nodes will come to your rescue:

  • mainnet
  • testnet

You can see this interface defined in nearcore here.


  • Maximum number of requests per IP: 600 req/min

Postman Setupโ€‹

An easy way to test the queries in this documentation page is to use an API request tool such as Postman. You only need to configure two things:

  1. Make sure you add a header with a key of Content-Type and value of application/json. postman-setup-header

  2. Then select the Body tab and choose the raw radio button and ensure JSON is the selected format. postman-setup-header

After that is set up, just copy/paste the JSON object example snippets below into the body of your request, on Postman, and click send.

JavaScript Setupโ€‹

All of the queries listed in this documentation page can be called using near-api-js.

  • For near-api-js installation and setup please refer to near-api-js quick reference documentation.
  • All JavaScript code snippets require a near object. For examples of how to instantiate, click here.

HTTPie Setupโ€‹

If you prefer to use a command line interface, we have provided RPC examples you can use with HTTPie. Please note that params take either an object or array passed as a string.

http post jsonrpc=2.0 id=dontcare method=network_info params:='[]'

Using block_id paramโ€‹

The block_id param can take either the block number (e.g. 27912554) or the block hash (e.g. '3Xz2wM9rigMXzA2c5vgCP8wTgFBaePucgUmVYPkMqhRL' ) as an argument.


The block IDs of transactions shown in NearBlocks Explorer are not necessarily the block ID of the executed transaction. Transactions may execute a block or two after its recorded, and in some cases, can take place over several blocks. Due to this, it is important to check subsequent blocks to be sure all results related to the queried transaction are discovered.

Using finality paramโ€‹

The finality param has two options: optimistic and final.

  1. optimistic uses the latest block recorded on the node that responded to your query (< 1 second delay after the transaction is submitted)
  2. final is for a block that has been validated on at least 66% of the nodes in the network (usually takes 2 blocks / approx. 2 second delay)
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