Nhảy đến nội dung chính

Contract đã được deploy sẵn

Learn how to easily receive fungible tokens without doing any software development by using a readily-available FT smart contract.

Điều kiện cần

Để hoàn thành tốt hướng dẫn này, bạn sẽ cần:

Sử dụng FT contract

Cài đặt

  • Đăng nhập vào account mới tạo của bạn với near-cli bằng cách chạy câu lệnh sau trong terminal:
near login
  • Đặt một biến môi trường cho ID account của bạn để giúp dễ dàng sao chép và dán các lệnh từ hướng dẫn này:

Be sure to replace YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME with the account name you just logged in with including the .testnet.

  • Kiểm tra biến môi trường được cài đặt đúng hay chưa bằng cách chạy:
echo $NEARID

Receiving Fungible Tokens

NEAR has deployed a new Fungible Token contract to the account ft.predeployed.examples.testnet which allows users to freely receive some gtNEAR - a new fungible token aimed to promote the power of teamwork! Each gtNEAR is equal to 1e24 yocto-gtNEAR similar to how 1 $NEAR is equal to 1e24 yoctoNEAR.

Using this pre-deployed contract, let's get some gtNEAR!

Start by calling the method ft_mint which is a custom function implemented on this contract in order to send your account some gtNEAR! The following command will send 0.01 gtNEAR to your account.

near call ft.predeployed.examples.testnet ft_mint '{"account_id": "'$NEARID'", "amount": "10000000000000000000000"}' --accountId $NEARID
Ví dụ response nhận được:

Log [ft.predeployed.examples.testnet]: EVENT_JSON:{"standard":"nep141","version":"1.0.0","event":"ft_mint","data":[{"owner_id":"benjiman.testnet","amount":"10000000000000000000000","memo":"FTs Minted"}]}
Transaction Id Fhqa8YDLKxnxM9jjHCPN4hn1w1RKESYrav3kwDjhWWUu
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser

  • To view tokens owned by an account you can call the FT contract with the following near-cli command:
near view ft.predeployed.examples.testnet ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "'$NEARID'"}'
Ví dụ về response nhận được:


Chúc mừng! You just received your first Team Tokens on the NEAR blockchain! 🎉

👉 Now try going to your NEAR Wallet and view your FTs in the "Balances" tab. 👈

Pre-deployed Contract

The contract used in this section has been modified such that you can infinitely get gtNEAR by calling ft_mint. This function is not part of the FT standards and has been implemented for the purpose of this tutorial.

Các chú thích cuối cùng

This basic example illustrates all the required steps to call an FT smart contract on NEAR and receive your own fungible tokens.

Now that you're familiar with the process, you can jump to Contract Architecture and learn more about the smart contract structure and how you can build your own FT contract from the ground up.

Chúc bạn mint thành công! 🪙

Version cho bài viết này

Tại thời điểm viết bài này, ví dụ này hoạt động với các phiên bản sau:

  • near-cli: 3.4.0
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