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The Contract Class

Your contract's logic and state (storage) is defined by the main class, in which:

  1. The attributes define the contract's state
  2. The initialization methods define how to initialize the contract's state
  3. The public methods act as the contract's interface with the rest of the network

Defining the Contractโ€‹

The contract is just another class, with its own attributes and methods. To differentiate it from other internal classes simply decorate it using the NEAR Bindgen decorator/macro.


Under the hood, the NEAR Bindgen decorator/macro traverses the class, generating the necessary code to:

  1. Transform the code into a valid NEAR contract.
  2. Expose public methods, so they can be called externally.
  3. Serialize objects for internal storage and communication with external actors.

The Stateโ€‹

Each account has its own state (storage), which only they can modify but anyone can see.

The state is defined and modified through the main class' attributes.

Contracts pay for their storage by locking part of their balance. Currently it costs ~1 โ“ƒ to store 100kb

Key-Value Storage

The contract actually uses a key-value storage to persist values. This however is abstracted from you by the SDK through serialization.

Prefer SDK Collections

When defining attributes, always prefer SDK collections over native ones, since they are optimized for serialization.

Initializing the Stateโ€‹

There are two ways to initialize the account's state, and they can co-exist:

  1. An initialization method that receives the attributes needed for the state
  2. A default state, which will be used until init is invoked, or a method writes into the state

Initialization Methodโ€‹

To define an initialization method simply decorate it with the initialization macro.

The method will now be able to define the initial state's values, raising an error if invoked while the state is already initialized.


To make the initialization mandatory use @NearBindgen({requireInit: true})


In JavaScript you must always define a default state

Default Stateโ€‹

Contracts can define a default state to use if no initialize method is called. This is, if any method is invoked before an init happens, the contract will use the default values.

Once any method writes into the state, the state will be considered initialized.


๐ŸŒ In JavaScript, the default state is defined by the initialization parameters in the class definition.


In Javascript you must always assign values to all the class' parameters. This ensures they get correctly deserialized to their intended type.


All the public methods are exposed to the network as the contract's interface.

class Contract {

@initialize({ ... })
init({ ... }) { /* public `init` method */ }

get_message({ ... }) { /* public `view` method */ }

add_message({ ... }) { /* public `call` method */ }

private internal_search( ... ) { /* private internal method */ }

@call({privateFunction: true})
set_owner({ ... }) { /* public, panics when caller is not the contract's account */ }

Public Methodsโ€‹

Public methods can be categorized in three types: init methods, view methods, and call methods.

  • Init Methods: They define how to initialize the state of the contract.
  • View Methods: Do not mutate the state nor call other contracts. They can be called for free by everyone, without needing a NEAR account.
  • Call Methods: They can mutate the state and perform actions such as calling other contracts.
By default view methods have 200TGas to execute, to increase this you can simply invoke them as call methods.
By default init methods are public, make sure to decorate them as private, or batch call the initialization on deploy :::

Private Methodsโ€‹

Sometimes you will want some methods to remain public, but only be callable by the contract's account. Such is the case for example of cross-contract callbacks.

For this, you can use the private macro/decorator.

@call({privateFunction: true})
callback( ... ){
// this method can only be called by the contract's account

Payable Methodsโ€‹

By default all methods panic if a user attaches money while calling them. To enable a method to receive money use the payable decorator.

@call({payableFunction: true})
deposit_and_stake( ... ){
// this method can receive money from the user

Input & Return Typesโ€‹

The contract can receive and return any native type, including complex structures. However, since contracts communicate through their interface using JSON:

  • Always prefer native types over SDK Collections in the input & return types.
  • Replace u64/u128 for strings (U64/U128 in the Rust SDK).
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